EXPLOSIONS IN THE SKY - Your Hand in Mine (w/ Strings)

Monday, December 10, 2007

Concerning the Critic Awards

  1. No Country for Old Men seems to be the favorite so far for Best Picture. That is one lock for best Picture.
  2. Where is Atonement in all of this?
  3. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (which I'm extremely excited to see) has been picked as Best Foreign Film by several critic circles. And it even got a Best Pic by the NY Film Critics Online. Although it isn't eligible for Foreign Film at the Oscars, does this raise its chances for Best Pic? Eh... because it is in a different language, it is majorly handicapped.
  4. There Will Be Blood is showing up here and there, with some Best Pictures, Best Actors, and Best Directors. This is starting to make up for the shutout by the National Board of Reviews and it is becoming a strong contender in the aforementioned categories.
  5. Julie Christie and Marion Cotillard are currently duking it out and they seem to be the only 2 being considered right now.
  6. Despite not recieving the Actress award and instead many Breakthrough Performance, Ellen Page is definitely in contention with Christie and Cotillard. Question is - Who are the other 2? Linney? Knightley? Adams? It's a weak year for Actresses this year.
  7. Like his character in No Country for Old Men, there is no stopping Javier Bardem. He is a definite lock in the Best Supporting Actor Category.
  8. Amy Ryan surprises and seems to be the critical favorite for Best Supporting Actress. Cate Blanchett has only recieved one and Ryan all the rest... does this make Amy Ryan the one to beat now? Maybe... although she is a relatively new face and Blanchett is an Academy favorite.
  9. If it's not Persepolis, it's Ratatouille. It seems as if it's a rat race at this point although Ratatouille still has an advantage over Persepolis in that it is in the English language, it was a huge box office success, and has garnered phenomenal reviews over the last half of the year.
  11. I am dying, dying, dying to see The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. When I watch it, I will review it. Right now, it seems to me like it has a chance at: Picture, Director, Supporting Actor, Adapted Screenplay, and Cinematography. It's strongest shot at a nomination though is Cinematography. Here's to hoping it builds up a lot of momentum over the next couple of months.

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