EXPLOSIONS IN THE SKY - Your Hand in Mine (w/ Strings)

Monday, February 25, 2008

Oscar 2007 -- Wrapped UP

For the first year ever, my friends and I had an Oscar watching party. We set up a point system to where we score a set amount of points if our picks win and then a lesser amount if our alternates win. The maximum score was 48 and I won the contest with 33. Since this was our first one, it wasn't complex or anything, but we might tweak it for next year. Also, we're actually gonna have food and drinks at the party. We starved our way through the four hours this time around. The second place person scored 26 so I didn't win by much. I think I overthink some of the categories too much! I'll post some thoughts here later. Well, Eric -- that's his name, who got second place -- predicted Sound Editing and Mixing correctly simply because he believes "traditional action films" typically get it. For those who know Oscar history, we all know this isn't necessarily the case. And I guess it's hard to go against the consensus when you read up on so much about this, especially when those more knowledgable predict what you eventually end up choosing too (and agree with). Anyways, enough of my blabbing.

I will post how I did tomorrow or something and I will comment on some of the things that deserve commenting...

For example:
  1. Costume Design
  2. Transformers snubs. Grrrr.
  3. Marion Cotillard and her infinite cuteness.
  4. Sound Categories
  5. Various other things

As of now, I have a test in my Sociology class tomorrow. Sociology of Life and Death Decisions! Yee-haw! It's gonna be a good time. I put off all studying this weekend to...

  1. Attend a press screening for City of Men. I felt special attending my first press screening. There were only about 7 other people in there with me and I got to see it before pretty much everyone else does.
  2. Attend the Barack Obama rally at the capitol building here in Austin, TX. Our future president of the United States of America (hopefully).
  3. Watch 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days and then hang out with my friends.
  4. Go see Be Kind Rewind and then watch the Oscars.

Now, I really have to study. I'm giving myself 3 hours and it is 12:35 right now. My test is at 1 p.m. today (!!!) and my first class is at 12 so I can sacrifice a few. I may get around to actually putting up a review of City of Men, 4 Months..., and Be Kind Rewind later. I have to write one for my newspaper for City of Men anyways so I'll do that. Alrighty, good night. I hope you had fun with Oscars!!! I know I don't have readers yet and I have yet to get a comment, but it's nice to think that there are some people.

[[P.S. I'm pretty sure I got 16/24 right though which is what I think I got last year also. I'll check it out on the old xanga. Haha]]

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