EXPLOSIONS IN THE SKY - Your Hand in Mine (w/ Strings)

Monday, February 18, 2008

Frivolous Update

So I haven't posted in a while. That's because I've been so busy with school and whatnot. I just survived my first hell week of the new semester. Three tests in one week: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday all in a row. Ah, well.

SO. ONE week until the Academy Awards shows! I am so excited. My friends and I are going to have a little Oscar watching party, although I think I'll probably the only one who cares about the winners (mostly because I want to see if my predictions are right -- I'll try to get those posted here some time before then). One of my friends watches it for the fashion, which is totally okay because I think it's interesting as well to see what these rich movie stars are wearing. Let's just hope the winners where something... decent.

I really hope the winner is actually wearing something totally amazing... unlike this past Oscar winner who wore... a backless BACKWARDS ... I don't even know what that is. We know the guys will look classy. Daniel Day-Lewis and Bardem? Simple, classic suit and ties. How could they go wrong if they just stick with a Versace suit or whatnot? As for the girls -- it's always more interesting to see what the females wear. And what about what the winners will wear. Since there exists no real frontrunner to the Actress or Best Actress race, we can only speculate. Imagine Tilda Swinton in a similar get up from what she wore at the BAFTAs. You know that would go down in infamy if she wore something ridiculous like that to the states. The press and fashion police would have a field day with it!

So in other words, this was just a little update. I don't know why I'm blogging, I don't think I'll ever reach a huge readership. As of now, I don't think anyone really knows about my blog, but one day I hope people come and click on my ads and generate me some revenue, and comment... because I have YET to recieve a comment.

It's slightly disappointing.

Although, maybe if I update this enough, Google will have me on their search engine. I have a xanga page and that recieves like 100 visitors a week as of late, mostly because people were checking up on Awards predictions and surprise, surprise, mine was ONE of the top most at one point. Maybe this will get there too. Such is life.

I'm currently skipping my first class writing this. Yikes. I really don't care. It's only Intro to Media Studies, which we took a test on last class so we're not really doing much at all today, I don't think. And we don't have quizzes or anything in the class -- and in general, it's all pretty lame.

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